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Evaluating the Social, Political and Economic Reasons Behind Gender-Based Violence in South Asia: A Case Study of Bangladesh

International Journal of Law Management and Humanities
Volume 4, Issue 4

ISSN: 2581-5369

This paper tries to reflect and analyze the core reasons behind the unfettered occurrence of this violence against a particular gender in the South Asian reason. Bangladesh will be the primary focus of this study due to its recent amendments in the laws against VAW, improvement of the socio-political status of women, participation of women in the workforce with the steady GDP growth rate, nevertheless, including the increase in the number of crimes committed against women.

Several Open Books

Laws and Precedents for Protecting the Working Women’s Rights in India

Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research 
Volume II Issue II


As per the demand of time and situation, the Government of India has enacted two remarkable legislations, the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (followed by the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017) and the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. The former act provided beneficiary principles for pregnant female employees and the latter for protecting all female employees from unwanted sexual assault, harassment, and bullying at the workplace. This paper will critically discuss the special features of these two legislations enacted for protecting the women working in the paid workforce and also evaluate the limitations of the same.

Open Book

The Impact of COVID 19 on the Increase of Cyber Harassment towards Women: Bangladesh Perspective

BUP Law Digest 
Volume 1 Issue 1

(Preprint Version)


This paper discusses how the COVID 19 pandemic has influenced the escalation of the cyberbullying and cyber sexual harassment particularly against women of different age groups in Bangladesh. The main focus of the paper will be on the critical analysis of the current laws and regulations in ensuring safety for women at the online platform. The paper argues that the removal of the loopholes in the existing laws and policies can contribute to the better protection of women on the cyberspace. The discussion ends with recommendations for overcoming the situation from a socio-legal perspective.

Pile Of Books

Right to Environmental Self-Determination of Indigenous People: A Reflection on Human Rights and Environmental Protection in Bangladesh Perspective

BAPA-BEN 4th International Conference on Bangladesh Environment (ICBEN-4)

(Conference Paper)


This paper discusses how the sudden and accelerated degradation of the environment resulting in climate change causing natural catastrophes forced international organizations to rethink the status of the right to environment. The attempt to define the right to environment and to expand its contents gave rise to the concept of the right to environmental self-determinism. This newly emerged concept of environmental self-determinism is substantially connected with the word indigenous or more particularly to indigenous people. The general governmental policies should not interfere with the indigenous peoples' natural, cultural, and physical way of living which will jeopardize their right to environmental self-determination. Therefore, the paper argues that the government must take dichotomized national policies that will consider the environmental needs that are coherently connected with indigenous people.

Book and Headphones

Private Photos Leaked Online: How Can a Celebrity Get Justice in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh Law Digest 

ISSN: 2708-6313


The recent leaks of a celebrity’s private pictures online have led to debates on the right to privacy and relevant laws available in Bangladesh. Some are claiming that the ‘right to privacy’ is not applicable for celebrities, as they are public figures, and each and every happening of their life can become a subject of discussion by the general people. Alternatively, others are claiming that no one has the right to breach the secrecy of any individual’s personal life, even if that individual is a celebrity. But what do the laws of Bangladesh say about this particular issue?

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